Welcome Baby!

Welcome Baby!
A wild Elliott appears!

It finally happened! Elliott Philip McCoy was born on July 8th 2022 at 4:50 PM EST. Weight was 7lb 3oz. He came out in only 4 pushes! (Thats WAY better than Q who took me around 4 hrs of pushing...) Here are some of his first photos!

Alex got to cut the umbilical cord and he nursed within 10 min of his birth. Alex also got to practice his swaddling skills which were still pretty on point!

We stayed in the hospital 2 nights. The second night was because Elliott's bilirubin was high. We all REALLY wanted to come home after only 1 night... but we followed doctors orders. With it being in COVID times, Quentin wasn't allowed to come to the hospital. So he got to meet his little brother when we got home on July 10th.

All in all, Elliott's birth and homecoming were the best we could hope for. He is now almost 2 weeks old. He remains a bit yellow, and his pediatrician is following his bilirubin levels for the time being. He is a VERY sleepy baby... not sure thats because hes a newborn or because of his bilirubin. But that does mean he lets me sleep for long streaches which is nice! Breastfeeding has been difficult as well, but we are working through it.

Thanks everyone for checking in, and for all our lovely family, friends, and neighbors who came by with congrats as well as some meals for us. And lastly, welcome baby Elliott to the family!