Week 9

2 Months Old!

I can't believe it! 2 months old already. Over the past few weeks, Q has started to babble, is giving us more smiles, and is appearing to be more purposeful with his movements. He also had his 2 month pediatrician appointment and got his first round of shots :( Aside from a period of about 60 min of him being more fussy, he seems to be back to his normal happy self!


Height: 22in
Weight: 11lb 2oz
Head Circumference: 16in

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This weekend we went to the Dog Park in Stevensville. There were lots of dogs for Ava to play with.

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We also all went over to my mom's house in Easton. Ethan was there and helped out with the baby. Here he is feeding Q!

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So most of the pictures I post are of Q being content or smiling. Of course this is NOT how he is ALL the time. Here is a nice picture of him when he is just about to lose it.

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Of course I wouldn't want to sign off with a sad picture! So here is Q and me hanging out in the kitchen just enjoying each other's company.

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Thanks for stopping by! Untill next time!