Rehoboth Trip 2021 (week 2)

Friday August 20th

Alright! Part 2 of vacation! No work for me this AM, so instead of a 630am yoga class, I did an 8am one! Once I got home, Alex and I switched so that he could go to the local YMCA to work out. While Alex was away, Q and I hung out with Baba and Kim. Baba hasn't been feeling well essentially over most of this trip, but she was feeling a bit better this morning and was hungry for some pasteries! So Kim, Q and I went to Pasqualini's to get some sweet treats.

Once Alex got back from the gym, the rain was letting up a bit and we decided to try a bike ride. We got about 1/2 way through our ride when it absolutely started pouring on us.

Q did amazing, didn't mind the rain a bit.

Once we got back from our ride, Q was exhausted and took an early nap. When he woke back up it was around 3pm and the rain was mostly stopped by this time. We rallied the troops and decided to go down to Funland again. Q had another amazing time.

We all watched Ethan and Kim play some games too and they won Q some prizes!

Then we headed over to Obie's for some dinner.

After dinner, we walked back on Rehoboth Ave to home. We hung out with Baba for a bit before calling it a bit of an early night.

Saturday August 21st

OK! Where to begin. Another wake up at around 7am, then I went to yoga at 8am. We decided to do a morning bike ride again since the weather was supposed to not be too great in the afternoon. We did the Breakwater Junction Trail into Gordon's Pond Trail and then back home. Just about 20ish miles I believe.

Once we got back, everyone else was awake so we decided to go out to lunch at Dogfish. We had been trying to get a meal here all week, but their waits were always too long. Lunch was great. Q and I shared a pizza, and Daddy got a beyond burger. Then we all came home and took a much needed nap.

For dinner, Alex made us all borritos which were delicious! Then we walked down town to get some ice cream for dessert.

Sunday August 22nd

Happy Sunday! I opted to skip my yoga class this morning and instead had a nice breakfast with the fam, and then we enjoyed a nice long walk down rehoboth ave. There was a 5K finishing up that was sponsored by Rehoboth's Volunteer Fire Department, and they had some of the trucks out as part of the event. Q and I got to explore them up close which was lots of fun.

We got home, and decided to try to go to the beach despite a less than optimistic weather forcast. We got our lunches packed, sun screen on, and all drove down to the beach. We were there for about 5-10 min when the closed the beach due to thunderstorms.

Here is E right before they kicked us off the beach. Looks pretty scary!

We all walked back to the car and as we were loading the stuff the sky opened up. Instead of waiting around to see if it passed us by, we decided to bag it and went home and had our lunch as a picnic on our livingroom floor.

The rain did eventually stop, and so we all wandered outside. Q and Baba worked on putting together a meal complete with protein (slugs) which my have slimed away by the time I took the below photo.

I REALLY wish I had taken before photos... but as Q and Baba played, I worked on some landscaping, organized the shed, and ripped up some roots so that the stones in front of the shed weren't sticking up at odd angles.

Monday August 23rd - Wednesday August 25th

Yeah... I got not great at remembering to journal each day, so I'm lumping these last few days of our vacation together. Monday morning I did my regular yoga class, and then Alex went to work out after I got back. Then once he was back, Alex's parents arrived to spend the next few days with us at the beach.

We went to the beach with them on both Monday and Tuesday and we had the best weather to date.

On Monday evening we all went to The Cultured Pearl and got to sit outside amoungst the giant fish! Alex and I had sushi (mostly vegan) and Q had a bento box!

On Tuesday morning, Chris, Glen, Alex, Quentin and I all waked down to the park with all the turtles.

Quentin looking for some tutles!

On Wednesday morning Quentin really had a craving for Rise Up, so Alex, Mema and Pop-pop all went over for some special coffee drinks.

On Wednesday afternoon, we all went out again to Dogfish for lunch before finishing packing up and heading home. While there, Q enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with everyone.

Phew! What a fun vacation. We are all home safe and sound, and are already talking about when we might next time get to spend some time in beautiful Rehoboth.

Thanks for reading!