Positives and Negatives

May 3rd - 17th

What an eventful 2 weeks! Well... eventful in the era of corona virus anyway...

Weightless Quentin!

My First Mother's Day (Positives!)

With the shelter in place order, Alex, Q, and I have been following it pretty strictly aside from going down to Easton to see my mom once a week. We decided that we are all within the same microbiome which allows us to do that. SO, we got to go spend mother's day down in Easton with my mom. We did a seafood boil outside.

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Q enjoyed gnawing on some of the corn cobs.

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Poor Sick Q (Negatives...)

So on Wednesday, May 13th Q was extremely fussy which is odd for him. I noticed that he was quite flushed in the evening so we decided to take his temperature. It was 101.5! We gave him some tylenol which seemed to help him feel better, and brought the temp down. He slept through the night OK too.

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The next morning we checked his temp again, and it was back up to 101.5 again. We gave more tylenol, but he continued to act fussy, wasn't eating/drinking as well, and just looked a bit sick. We called Dr. Cook (our pediatrician) to let him know of Q's fever, and he asked that we come in for a visit.

I didn't take too many pictures during this time, but here is a cute one of Q in his crib!

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While at the pediatrician's office, we opted to get a viral panel which means Q got a deep nasal swab - boy that doesn't look fun. The protocol is if that panel is negative, they check him for COVID which takes about 24hrs to get back. We found out that evening that the panel was negative, so the COVID test was sent out.

Thursday night was a HARD night, Q was up for about an hour in the middle of the night absolutely screaming. There have been only a few times where neither Alex or I couldn't console Q, but this was definitely one of them.

I feel like I have to intersperse some fun Q pics in with all this text. Nom nom!

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Friday morning his temp was 102.5, so we again gave him tylenol. Friday he still acted quite off, but was improving. We also noticed the beginnings of a rash around his neck/chest area.

By Saturday, his fever had gone, and he was acting much more like himself. The rash had spread a bit and was more prominent, but didn't seem to bother Q. By Sunday he was almost 100% back to normal. Sunday we got the call from Dr. Cook telling us he was NEGATIVE for COVID which was a relief.

Hanging out with Daddy in the garage.

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My guess is Q had Roseola which is a common viral illness most kids will get at some point. Its presentation generally is a high-ish fever for a few days, followed by a rash which starts around the neck/chest area and spreads down the trunk. That matches Q's presentation pretty well.

As of today (Sunday), his rash is starting to fade, and he is acting like himself. To end this post, here is a pic of Q helping clean up after Daddy made us pancakes.

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See you later!