November 30th - December 12th 2020

So with Thanksgiving over we have moved into listening to nonstop Christmas music and enjoying the ambiance of our Christmas tree!

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Quentin LOVES playing in the sink. Here he is on his learning tower "helping" me do some dishes :)

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Q tried raspberries for the first time! He likes putting them on his fingers and eating them off.

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Quentin gets lots of yummy breakfast foods. He enjoys grits, pancakes, avocado toast, and bp&j toast. Here he is with some jam on his nose!

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Quentin loves reading. He is constantly bringing us books to read to him. Sometimes they are kids books, but sometimes they are dishwasher manuals!

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Hanging Out In The Car

We continue to have spans of several days where it is nice and warm out (50-60s). During one of these warm spurts, Q, Declan, and I spent some time playing in the car.

Q might only be a bit over 15 months... but he is ready to drive!

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We have such wonderful cats. Here is Declan giving Q some love while we hang out in the car.

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Quentin loves playing in the car!

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See you all next time!