November 23rd - 29th 2020

Happy Turkey Day!

Phew. What a fun and activity filled last few days! We have Thanksgiving parts 1, 2, AND 3. I am looking forward to nothing but celery sticks and carrots for a while...

The Prep

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Alex made Vegetables Wellington for the second time as our main course. Boy is it labor intensive! It calls for several types of mushrooms which need to be thinly sliced.

Here is Alex slicing the last few mushrooms...

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Q slept for a nice long time which gave me and Alex some alone time where we could cook together.

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Q helped out by taking care of any bread leftovers we didn't need for the stuffing recipe.

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Taking Breaks

Alex did a good job spacing out all the cooking this year. It was very warm out (50-60 degrees) and we made sure to have time to go for some walks and hikes.

Here is Alex and Q trying out their new carrier. Q was very sleepy...

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Part 1 - Kelly, Rebecca, and Glenn's House

So on Thanksgiving day, we all went over to the other McCoy's house. Everyone made a dish, and everything was delicious. It was even warm enough to have a little camp fire out on their new patio.

Part 2 - Ba-Ba's House

On Friday, we went over to my mom's house for Thanksgiving part 2! Benji, Bethany, Ethan, and Aiden also joined in on the fun.

Part 3 - Grandpa's House

On Saturday AM, we drove down to Dad's house for our last and final Thanksgiving celebration. We spent some time playing outside while at their house in Mardella Springs.

Here is Uncle Sam pulling Q around in his little tractor.

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Q also LOVES driving around in his play car when we visit.

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That's it for this time! Thanks for reading!