Naples Florida Trip 2022

Naples Florida Trip 2022

March 15th, Tuesday

Hello! So we decided to break up the regular old routein and go and visit Alex's cousins Maureen & Scott in beautiful Naples FL. Our flight was quite early so we opted to stay at the Red Roof Inn near BWI to avoid waking up too early.

Quentin of course found the remote and called Santa as soon as we got into the room.

March 16th, Wednesday

We all got up around 6am to catch our 8am flight. Going through security and checking our bags went very smoothly. The only real moment of concern was trying to get Q to wear a mask... as a side note, we have NEVER made him wear a mask. But after a bit of protesting, he put it on and kept it on for the majority of the flight! What a trooper!

Once we got to Maureen and Scotts house, we just sort of hung around and relaxed. We did get to try out their pool for a bit too! Later in the afternoon we decided to go for a bike ride. By this time Q was very tired, but had refused to nap, so we got geared up for the ride. Once we got to our destination, he was passed out. So daddy stayed with him in the car while Maureen, Scott, and I did about a 45 min bike ride.

Alex tried to initially wake him up, but he did not stir a bit. 

Weirdly enough, on our ride home we saw a TIGER! He (or she) was loaded in the back of a trailer. Looks like it was being taken from the zoo to someplace else.

Q had been quite upset at this time, and so this was a nice distraction.

Then we came home and had take out from a place called Sushi Thai, and Kathy came over too!

March 17th, Thursday

Day 2! We started the morning off with some swimming in the pool, then headed off to do a 2 hr long cruise on a 45 feet catamaran with Sweet Liberty.

Quentin even got to drive the boat!

Afterwards, Quentin requested ice cream so we stopped at Scoops right near Marueen and Scotts flat.

Quentin got cookie monster flavor.

Then we went over to Aunt Kathy and Tom's house for dinner!

March 18th, Friday

We woke up a bit early to get to our air boat tour with our captain Gary!

We didn't see any alligators or manatees, but we did get to see a raccoon!

Quentin was excited to see a Ra-Ra in the wild!

Once we got back from the tour, we packed up our stuff and headed to the BEACH! Q ended up taking a 2hr nap on mommy and Elliott.

After the beach, we came home and Alex made tofu fajitas for us all. Yum!

March 19th, Saturday

We actually got to sleep in this day. Yippy! We decided to go to a local farmers market, and Alex convinced us all to bike there which was lots of fun!

We asked Quentin what he wanted to do after the farmers market and he opted for going back to the beach. So we did.

Then we came home and had another dinner at home. Spinach ravioli and some other leftovers! Yum!

March 20th, Sunday

Returning home day! There were some sad goodbuys, but we were excited to get home! Our kitties, fishies, doggies, and grandparents missed us! The only real bump in the road is there was a TON of fog the morning of our departure, so we ended up getting delayed about 2.5hrs. Quentin rolled with it like a champ. We had fun spending extra time watching the planes coming and going.

You could tell we tired Quentin out. Finally after take off, the little guy passed out and slept for about an hour on the plane.

We all got home safe and sound, and had dinner with Mema and Pop-pop. Ba-Ba, Kimmy and Ethan also made an appearance. What a fun adventure!