May & June 2023

May & June 2023
Action shot!

Here we are! End of June already. Lots of fun stuff to report on the family front.

The Day to Day Stuff

We are having such a fun time with the 2 kiddos. Elliott is less than a month shy of 1yo, and Q will be 4 in August. We spend our time playing outside, and will occassionally make our way down to Oxford Park and play at the beach there.

Elliott is crawling around so quickly these days. And he pulls himself to stand any chance he gets. My guess is he will be walking around 1yo which is around when Q started walking too.

Lake Anna State Park

We went camping with the kiddos at Lake Anna and supported Alex in doing a Olympic distance Triathalon. Camping went well with the kids, the only issue was Q spiked a fever and was feeling pretty crummy for a while until we found him some tylenol. We ended up leaving the camp site a day early, but still had a very nice time.


This is what Alex has been training for for almost a year! He completed the 70 mile course in about 5hr 40min. Q and I were able to come cheer him on and celebrate with him in Cambridge where it was held. Go Alex!

I'm sure there are more things to report, but if I make these posts too all inclusive, I will avoid writing them. The goal is short, sweet, and with lots of fun pictures.

I will leave you with these 2 wonderful pics of the boys. Even though El is not even 1yo, and Q is 3 years older, they are already developing such a nice friendship. Q is such a loving big brother, and El will watch Q run around and act crazy for hours.

See you next time!