July 2023

July 2023
Happy Birthday Elliott!

Look at me! I'm only having to cover 1 month in a post (vs 2!). As always lots of stuff has happened in July. Probably the biggest news is that your little Elliott just turned ONE!

Elliott at 1yo is just starting to take a few steps here and there. However, if he wants to get somewhere, he is a very fast crawler. He also does a lot of bear walking too! He will eat pretty much anything, and is a VERY good eater. He is about 22lbs and 29 inches tall.

Quentin who is ALMOST 4 is enjoying his summer. We have another little boy, Leo on our block which he has developed a really sweet friendship with. We have usually at least 1 play date with Leo a week, and we also run into him all the time around the neighborhood.

Quentin and I also got to spend July 4th together with some friends. We all went to the carnival, got poured on, and watched fireworks together. It was a fun outing for just the 2 of us.

Christina & Katie Reunited!

So you have to forgive me, but I tried a bit harder to photo document my trip out to visit my bestie, Katie. I also have the time on the flight to and from to put this post together. SO this might be a longer blog post than some others...


I flew out of BWI, and it was seamless. I ended up having to wait around for 2 hrs for my flight because I got to the airport and through security so fast. Twas a breeze. The flight itself was uneventful. And boy when we landed, I hadn't realized how HOT it was going to be. Yikes!

Then after some hugs and hanging out at Katie's house, she dragged me to a pilates class at a studio called Inferno. It was only a 45 min class, but boy I was barely able to walk after that! Then we went to a place called Flower Child, a nice lunch/dinner place with lots of vegatarian and vegan options. Katie got the Mother Earth bowl with Salmon, and I got the Glow bowl with Tofu. Both were so good!

Then we checked into the Four Seasons that Katie's fiance had booked us for the weekend as a surprise. With the time zone difference for me (3 hrs) I was pooped at 9pm. Thankfully Katie was pooped too, so we got to go to bed nice and early :)


After a good sleep, I woke up at the late time of 6am (which is 9am in my time zone). So I actually slept in a wee bit! After being loud in the hotel room to wake Katie up, we mosied down to have breakfast at Veranda which is in the Four Seasons Hotel. I was even able to steal a mini tabasco sauce to bring home to Quentin! For the late morning/early afternoon I hung out by the pool while Katie caught up on some more zzz's. The 110 degree weather wasn't as bad when you were able to dip yourself into a nice cool pool every so often.

Then I woke Katie up from her nap, and she showed me around her work warehouse at Safe Life Defence. Then it was off to a hot yoga class at TruFusion which kicked my butt. Then we got to go out to dinner at a place called Crossroads which had a 7 course tasting menu which was 100% vegan! So yum.


My last day with Katie! We slept in a bit, met Nick for brunch, and then went and had a massage at one of Katie's favorite massage places. A little woman walked all over my back and made parts if my back pop that I didn't know could pop! Then we went back to the hotel and hung out by the pool for the afternoon. We decided to hang out in the room on our last night, tell stories, watch bad TV, and ordered room service. It was a low key and very fun last night in Vegas together.

All in all it was a very very fun trip. Next time Quentin told me he has to come along so he can visit Katie too.