Jan and Feb 2023

Jan and Feb 2023
The boys "rough housing."

And just like that 2 months have gone by practically! It's late feburary, and already the daphodils are starting to bloom, and the birds think it's spring already. I have to say I'm pretty excited for spring to come. More outside time here we come!

With not many holidays happening, we have been spending a lot of time with friends. On the Left is Quentin's friend Halle, and on the Right is his friend Marie from school.

Ellie Belly has gotten so big! He is officially 7 months already! He is an eating machine with Raspberries being one of his favorite foods.

Even though it has been quite warm, Easton had a "Fire and Ice" festival which we never made it to. BUT they had huge ice sculptures which later were turned into big chunks of ice. These were a lot of fun to smash on the ground!

A short but sweet post this month. Goal is to get another post out for the month of March! Wish me luck!