

Quentin is learning to laugh!

He is certainly a smiley and vocal little guy, but he hadn't until this week really laughed consistently. I actually caught a video of it when he was watching me play with the cats!

Alex has been going to The Edge Training Academy since we moved to Maryland. They are kid friendly and are very welcoming. Here is Quentin's first trip to the gym with Mommy and Daddy!

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Quentin has discovered his feet over the past week. Here he is doing the yoga pose "Happy Baby"!

Q is enjoying eating, and is getting much better at putting food in his mouth. Sometimes he does this, and isn't sure what to do next!

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Eating does take concentration. Especially when broccoli is involved.

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Quentin sees Daddy drink from his Blender Bottle, and he wants to do it too!

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Alex was changing Q on saturday evening and he laughed the most he ever has! Alex even got a video of it!

That's all for this week! Here is a happy Quentin saying see you next time!

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