Easter and Beyond!

Easter and Beyond!
After an easter egg hunt at the Courhouse, we all visited the historic society gardens to check out what was in our eggs!

(March 21st - April 29th 2022)


Quentin over the past month or so is REALLY starting to interact more with other kids. Not just parallel play anymore, quite a bit of collaboration going on! We met this little boy at the park, and Q and Emmit had so much fun playing hide and go seek and chasing each other around the park for over an hour!

Freebee Sandbox

Mommy is always on the lookout for kids items that get trashed. I found one of those green turtle sandboxes, and Q has been begging for a sandbox for some time now. So grabbed the turtle, cleaned him out, went to lowes to pick up some sand, and Ta Da! Happy Quentin! Noa even got to come by and enjoy some sandbox time!

After all that time outside and in the sand, a bath was much needed...

Easter Monday at the Aquarium

So our Easter plans got a bit affected by the weather this year. We were supposed to go to the White House and do the Easter Roll which would have been REALLY COOL! But it poured and was cold, so instead we went to the Aquarium in Baltimore.

On our way back from the Aquarium, we stopped to get some ice cream. Quentin opted for the BLUE flavor.

With the weather being nicer and nicer, we are outside again more and more. Here we all are scootering outside with Quentin's friend Halle.

Grandpa Phil's

We topped off this time period with a fun trip down to my Dad's. While there there was lots of chicken feeding and go kart racing! Pretty typical for a visit down here :)

Alright! That's it for this post. Phew. I should probably stop taking pictures of Quentin sleeping, but here is one after he got up early, and spent part of the night in bed with us.

Elliott Update

I'm now 28 weeks pregnant! Had a bit of pelvic pain over the past month, but thankfully with a bit of rest it has resolved 99%. I have my glucose tolerance test today (whee...) so hopefully that goes well so I don't have to do it again! Pregnancy number 2 has been a wee bit more rocky then with Quentin, but not by much. Hopefully it will continue in that direction!