Cousin Time & Covid19

Visiting Arlington

Cousin time! We all went to visit my Cousin Michelle and her husband Matt, and 2 wonderful children Josh and Zach.

Here is Michelle getting a Quentin selfie.

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We also went out to Lyon Hall for lunch, and Q and I got the Lobster Mac n Cheese.

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A Normalish Weekend

After our visit to Arlington, the rest of our week/weekend proceeded as normal.

There was some grocery shopping, Q made sure that we didn't forget the Siracha.

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Q took a much needed bath, and was giving me such nice smiles.

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After bath time he insisted on taking a selfie.

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Q loves the cats. Here he is giggling at Gimli.

It was nice and warm out, so Q and I spent some time outside.

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Q has gotten so big! Here he is in his big boy high chair during dinner.

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The Quarantine

So as we all know, the coronaviris has taken hold in the US and we are being advised to socially distance. This would have been the week we went to Utah to go skiing, but since that trip got canceled, we have been spending as much time at home.

Just to give an idea, here is my main page on my phone web browser around this time.

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One thing that we have kept up, is going for nice dog walks. This is something we do as a family unit, and are able to social distance ourselves. Here is us at Terrapin Park.

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Lastly, we have been playing a lot of board games including this one, aptly named Pandemic.

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That's it for the last 2 weeks. We will see what the next few weeks have to bring with the pandemic.

Keep distanced everyone, and remember, 20 second hand washing! A way to make sure you wash long enough, sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" it's the perfect length!