6 Months

Half Way There

Quentin is 6 months old, half way to his first birthday.

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We went to see Dr. Cook for his 6 month check up. Here are his stats from our visit. He now is officially heavier than the cats!

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He got a few shots, and also a vision test which he passed. It involved putting electrodes on his head and wearing an eye patch!

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He is able to sit up pretty well on his own now, so he got to try sitting in the shopping cart for the first time when we went grocery shopping this weekend!

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Quentin has started saying some very clear syllables including "mama" which I tried to caputre in this video.

Lastly, Kathy was in town this weekend, so we all got together at our house for some snacks and baby time. Here is a nice group shot!

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That's it for this week! See you next time!