Good Stuff and Bad Stuff

Good Stuff and Bad Stuff
Baba getting some Elliott snuggles.

It has been a very eventuful month... in both good ways and bad ones.

2 Months Already

I can't believe Elliott is 2 months! He is giving such great smiles, is starting to vocalize and make cooing noises, and has become interested in looking at his hands. El remains a very chill baby. He cries very rarely, and if he does, it's usually because he is hungry. Boy is he a good eater!

We have lots of help with the boys. Grandparents are the best!

Q's 3rd Birthday

After we all recovered from COVID (just in time), we got to all celebrate Quentin's 3rd birthday out in our back yard! It was a sunny warmish day, perfect for hanging out outside. We had family, neighbors, and 9 Quentin aged kids running around our back yard. I think everyone had lots of fun!

One Last Funland Hurrah

With Funland closing Sept 11th, we made it to Rehoboth one last time to hit up the rides before the season ended. We even got to hangout on the beach for a bit before it opened that evening.

Mommy Quentin Playdate

Quentin has been feeling the decrease in Mommy time a bit more recently, so he and I decided to go to Counsel Farms just him and me. We had lots of fun and brought home 3 pumpkins.

Baba's Fall

So this is the not so good part of this post. On saturday Sept 17th 2022 Baba had a terrible fall. She was cleaning tree branches off of the Rehoboth Beach House, and fell from 2 stories. She was helicoptered to Christiana Hospital and required emergent back surgery due to an unstable fracture. As I'm writing this, she is still in the hospital, but is now in a regular room. The plan is for her to be discharged to a rehab for a period of time before she comes home. Our family and friends have been so supportive. We miss Baba very much, and can't wait for her to return home.

OK! Let's end on a happy note. Here is the cutest Elliott picture to date. Thanks for reading everyone, will post again soon!