Week 10

Happy Halloween

Let's see... what happened this week...

Well in the Q realm, he has discovered the joys of munching on his hands. Here we have Q and I eating our fingers together.

Along with his newly found love of putting his hands in his mouth, he is also learning to maneuver objects to his mouth too!

Even though Q seems to change so much each week, he still is cute as a button! Here he is on one of our morning walks.

He is getting more head control every day!

For Halloween, we went to Easton to spend the night at my moms house. Q helped hand out lots of candy to the trick-or-treaters. It was exhausting work!

Although the attention we give our pets has diminished with the addition of Q to our family unit, Alex still makes time for some Gimli snuggles.

And Declan just makes room...

Now that Q is bigger, he is fitting into some new outfits. Here he is representing the KU Jayhawks.

And with the weather getting cold, good thing we have lots of sweaters, complete with ears!

That's it for this week! Bye!