Oct 15th - Nov 1st 2020

Man, it's amazing how I do not take as many pictures as I did when Q was younger. It was SO EASY to come up with lots of picture filled posts... but now a days I'm totally lacking! Will have to work on that!

21st Annual Halloween Campout

Alex's family does an annual camp out in Gettysburg PA at a KOA. This year was the 21st! I think this is my favorite holiday/family gathering. It was all outside, and we didn't share food to try to keep it a bit more safe.

Initially I hadn't thought to get Q a costume, but Me Ma thought ahead! Here is Q in his little pumpkin costume!

Q got to hang out with his cousin Oona (or should I say narwhal) a lot during the campout.

We didn't all wear masks 100% of the time during the gathering, but we did make sure to wear them when the trick or treaters passed through.

I think Q had a good time. He is a very happy pumpkin!

That's it for now! See you all in November!