Feb 12th - March 17th 2021

Yeesh, that is now 2 posts in a row where I have gone a whole month. Maybe this is the new normal? It's partially because lots of stuff is going on / hard to make the time. But also it's because I'm taking less pictures! And the pictures are the best part of these posts (in my opinion). Anyways, onto the post!

Bad Kitty

Q is generally VERY good at interacting with the cats. However, he was being somewhat rambunctious next to Gimli, and he got a claw to the face. Poor guy!

Didn't seem to hurt him much, more so just scare him. It healed up nicely and did not leave any marks which we are all happy about!

Cooking & Eating

One thing we all do together as a family is cook and eat together. Alex and I did this daily when it was just us, and now Q has joined us!

Here is Q looking through one of our many cookbooks and picking out a dish to make.

While over at Ba-Ba's we celebrated Ethan's 14th Birthday with some ice cream!

Quentin loves pasta especially with some red sauce and hemp seeds on top.

Favorite Things

One thing Q LOVES doing when we are hanging out inside is read.

Q does like to play with toys, but if there is a remote around, playing with that is ALWAYS his preference!

We spend time outside whenever we can, even if it's a bit cold. Again, Q will play with toys at times, but nothing is more fun than playing with a walker :)

We picked up this water table a few months back and it's been too cold to use. But now that it's warming up, Q has been enjoying it immensely!

On one of the colder days, I used heated water from the stove for him to play in outside :)

Phew! That was a busy several weeks! Time for a nap on Ba-Ba.

See ya later!