September 14th - August 14th 2020

Time is flying!

I have been SO GOOD about posting at least once every 2 weeks or so... but it's already been a MONTH since my last post! I can't say we have been any busier than usual, I've just been kicking the can down the road a bit more probably. Oh well... here's the updates from this past month!

We kicked off this cooler weather by spending some time with my dad down in Mardella Springs. Here is Q and Daddy swinging!

One of the weekends, we decided to all go out to eat at Bridges. We had a beautiful sunset to watch while we ate out on the dock.

September 22nd was my birthday! Alex got me a basket for my bike, and some binoculars! Here I am trying them out at one of the parks in our community.

Otherwise our day to day routein is about the same. We spend time playing in doors...

And when the weather is nice, we are playing out doors.

All in all, things are going just swimmingly.

See you next time!