Rehoboth Trip 2021 (week 1)

Thursday August 12th

Alright! This is our second time going to the beach with baby (now toddler) Q! Thursday was mostly spent preparing/packing for the trip. MeMa watched Q all day, daddy packed, and I worked until about 5pm. We eventually got on the road around 7:30 and arrived at around 9pm.

When we got here, Benji and Beth had just arrived. We hung out (Q included) until around 11pm which I think is the latest Q has ever been awake. We got our space organized and all crashed. No pictures unfortunately to share today, but I will try to be better tomorrow.

Friday August 13th

Today was our first full day in Rehoboth. Q only slept in until 6am even though he went to bed at 11... oh well. We did a nice walk in the AM and ended up at the Tot Lot at Grove Park.

Ava is keeping wach while we all play.

Then it was BEACH TIME! After spending what seemed like forever packing up, we headed down to the beach. It was a VERY warm and muggy day. The water was cool but felt so good. At around 2:30pm some thunder clouds started approaching and they closed down the beach. As opposed to waiting it out, we decided to head back to the beach house, as it was around nap time.

Once home, Quentin took a nice long 2.5hr nap and we all relaxed for a bit. When dinner time came around, we opted for Nicola Pizza and opted for a pail of salad vs a pail of french fries.

After dinner, we headed downtown and got to catch the end of a boy band nostalgia group that was performing on the board walk. Quentin was entranced by the performance.

Then we got some ice cream and walked home. What a fun day.

Saturday August 14th

This was a VERY active day! At 7:30am, I took my bike down to a yoga studio called Soulfire Collective. Wow, what an amazing (and sweaty) class! I bought a week long pass, and my goal is to go once a day while I'm here.

When I got back to the beach house, Alex, Quentin, Kim, and Ethan were gearing up for a bike ride. I joined them, and we did a 60 min ride in Henlopen State Park. The trail was called Gordon's Pond Loop.

Everyone did great and we had a fantastic bike ride.

Then once we got back home, we got ready for another beach day.

Once we finished with the beach, we came back home, showered, and got ready to go out to dinner. We went to a restaurant by the name of Mariachi's which has been in Rehoboth for a long time. Mom was concerned about one of the fans which was turning the wrong way.

Then we walked through Penny Lane to watch a bit of a live concert at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand. They had a Jimmy Buffett tribute band, which wasn't really my cup of tea, but Q enjoyed it.

Sunday August 15th

Quentin woke up at 6am this morning... both Alex and I were not quite ready to be up, but oh well. We decided to go to Rise Up and get me and Alex coffee, and Quentin his very own special coffee drink.

After Rise Up, I went to do another 8am yoga class, and Alex & Q went for a 5 mile bike ride on the boardwalk. Then once I was back from my class, we all (Baba, Ethan, Kim, Alex, Quentin and I) did another bike ride around gordon's pond like we did yesterday. Quentin was a bit tired from his early morning, so Alex and I headed home a bit early, and as soon as we got home, Quentin nursed for a bit and fell right asleep.

Q slept for 2.5hrs! We still managed to get to the beach for a few hours in the late afternoon. After that we came home and decided to cook in for Benji & Beth's last day with us.

Grillmaster Alex cooking some plant based burgers and sausages!

After a good meal, we said goodbye to Benji & Beth. Then we all went down to the boardwalk for some dessert.

Quentin walked most of the way home. What a fun day!

Monday August 16th

I made it to a 6:30am yoga class this morning! Go me!

I get VERY red from these hot yoga classes!

Ok, so today was the beginning of a bit of a test for me. Instead of taking 2 full weeks off while we are in Rehoboth, I opted to see patients in the mornings from 9-11am.

My sweet office set up :)

My first workday went really well! I worked in the morning, and took breaks during the day to answer time sensitive emails. Hopefully the rest of my time goes as smoothly!

After work, I joined Kim, E, Alex, and Q over at the Tot-lot. I mostly watched Q while Alex and Kim had some time to workout.

Then we went home to grab a quick lunch before heading again to the beach. High tide was at around 3pm today, so we picked a spot closeish to the water, and Alex, Ethan and Quentin set to constructing a baracade so that our spot wouldn't get washed away with the incoming tide.

This pic was taken during everyone's naptime obviously. 

After the beach, we headed home to relax for a bit before going out to dinner that evening. We initially were going to go to Dogfish which is right down the street from us, but they had an hour wait. So instead we went near by to Port 251 which had live music playing. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures here, but Quentin LOVED the music. We even got to go up and talk with the drummer for a bit during their break. I have the say, the food at the restaraunt was OK, the prices were steep, and the service was pretty slow. Not sure I'd recommend this place for future visits.

After dinner, Quentin walked all the way home, and we actually got to bed at a decent hour (930/10pm). We were all very tired and ready for sleep.

Tuesday August 17th

Today started a bit rockey. Alex was starting to not feel well last night (sore throat) and it got worse over the night and into the morning. I (surprisingly) got up chipper this morning ready to go to yoga again at 6:30am, but Alex asked me to hang back to help him with Quentin since he was feeling so crummy. After about an hour of being awake, Alex seemed to feel a lot better which is good. I am currently flirting with going to a 5:30pm class today to make up for my missed 6:30 class this morning... not sure if I'm ready to commit to that yet or not though...

Work went well today, nothing to write home about. While I was busy working, everyone else was doing some plumbing work downstairs. The drains in the bathroom sink and shower were running very slowly, so Mom took everything apart to see if the clog could be removed.

When everyone was ready for a break, we sat down for lunch which was home made chicken quesadillas by yours truley. We hung around the house while the plumbing work resumed, and then around 2pm, Quentin settled down for a nap. Kim, Alex and I took advantage of the down tiime to do a bit of grocery shopping. Once back, Alex went to work out and I watched Q after his nap.

Then... I can't believe I'm saying this... but I made it to my 5:30pm yoga class! While I was at the class, Quentin had lots of fun hanging out with everyone and exploring the surrounding area.

After I got back from yoga, we all headed down to find a place for dinner. We ate at the Purple Parrot in their beer garden out back. The food was quite good! Q ate mostly french fries, and when he wasn't eating, he was playing in the sand below the table.

Yay sand.

Wednesday August 18th

Lots of these vacation days are seeming quite similar :) I made it to yoga at 6:30am this morning which felt great. It was super muggy (or as Alex likes to call it, "jucy") out, but there was a beautiful sunrise happening as I biked to my class this morning.

After yoga, Ethan, Q, Alex, and I all had a yummy breakfast of eggs, vegan sausages, and some blueberry scones. Then it was off to work for me.

Work was uneventful which is good, then I rejoined the crew who were continuing to work on the plumbing stuff downstairs. After lunch, we opted to hang around the beach house and let Q nap before taking off for the beach.

After Q's nap, Grandpa Phil, Grandma Angie, and Uncle Sam showed up! We all packed up and headed down to the beach together. We were having so much fun I forgot to take any pictures!

After a few hours on the beach, we came home, showered quickly, then headed back down to Funland! I was a bit hesitant about Q doing the rides since he really got upset when we did some rides earlier this summer, but he did great! Q really didn't want to leave when the time came. I think we will be making more trips to Funland as the week goes on!

Thursday August 19th

Goodmorning! Typical morning today. Yoga at 6:30, work started at 9am, finished at 11am. While I was working, Alex, Kim and Q went for a fun bike ride.

Once everyone got back home and I finished with work, we packed up and headed to Lewes Beach! The nice thing about Lewes is that it is on the bay side, so the waves were MUCH less intense. We met Grandpa Phil, Grandma Angie, and Uncle Sam there. Quentin had a so-so time, he intermittently asked to go home essentially the entire time. But he definately had moments where he looked like he really was enjoying himself.

We got home around 3pm, and wisked Quentin off to bed (he had passed out in the car on the ride home). He slept for about 2.5hrs which is a record for him on vacation. Alex and I got some one on one time which was nice, and we even snoozed a bit.

Once Q woke up, we all met up with Grandpa Phill and company at a restaraunt called The Crooked Hammock which is also on Lewes. The food was great and the outdoor seating area was awesome! There were a ton of lawn games and lots of things to climb on. Q and Sam had a blast.

Phew, what a fun day. We said our goodbuyes to Grandpa Phil, Grandma Angie, and Uncle Sam as they were going to head back home tomorrow morning.

I'm going to go ahead and conclude this post and do a part 2 for the next portion of our Rehoboth vacation. So keep an eye out for that :)