Quentin Weeks 1-4

OK! This is my (Christina's) first try at a blog post! The goal is to post once a week, which I know is a lofty goal... but I'm certainly going to try!

Here are some photos from Quentin's first 4 weeks!

Already Q is spending more time awake then when he was first born.

He enjoys a daily walk down to the park at least once a day.

Often times Mema and Pop pop will join us on these walks.

His favorite toy is Bernie the giraffe!

Q is eating well, and thus evacuating waste well too. Using cloth diapers has been an experience, but we are getting the hang of it!

Q has been spending a lot of time with family and friends. Here he is hanging out with grandma Carol and Kim!

Hanging out with Mema.

Q even took a trek up to Bethesda to meet Judy!

Q has been sleeping pretty well overall, but at times he just seems to cry and cry. This makes daddy sad.

To help Q, we are reading up on the physiology of sleep and explaining to Q why we all need to get some Z's!

But most of the day, Q, Mommy and Daddy spend time eating, sleeping, and just hanging out and exploring the world around us.

We all have enjoyed these first few weeks immensely, and look forward to many more!