October 30th - November 14th

Steam & Gas Show - Fall Festival

We have always went to the Steam & Gas show at Tuckahoe in the summer, but apparently they have a smaller on in the fall! We met up with Grandpa Phill and Sam and got to see a bunch of neat tractors!

Yes, they even had some forklifts!

Carving Pumpkins

We had an inpromptu carving sesson on Halloween over at Leo's house.

The boys of Hanson Street.

Visit to Grandpa Phil's

Alex went away on a buisiness trip for a few days, and so Q and I did a visit down to Mardella Springs to hang out with Grandpa Phil, Grandma Angie, and Uncle Sam!

Waterfowl Festival

We got to walk around the waterfowl festival during the weekend of Nov 12th - 14th. Unfortunately I didn't get too many pictures. However, here is a pic of a decoy that Quentin and I painted!

Phew! What a busy few weeks. Thanksgiving is coming up! See you all soon!