February 2024

Look at me getting this thing put together this early in Feb! Wahoo!

Always Changing...

Elliott has been a VERY good sleeper... up until recently. Not sure what happened but poor dude has become very difficult to put down at night or for naps. He will sleep totally fine if he is either on top of me or touching me in some way. Its a bit into March now and he is starting to get better again, but I do miss when getting him to nap/sleep was easy as pie!

Birthday Parties

Lots of birthday parties happening, and lots of them at Cabin Fever! The boys play so well together these days. Yes, sometimes there is hitting and from Elliott - biting, but most of the time they do pretty well.

A Helpful Big Brother

Quentin is growing up. There is no doubt about it. Along with working on his own independence, he is also a big help to me (sometimes) with Elliott. He does things like help take off Elliotts shoes, and will monitor him around the bike chain. (He tends to like to touch it, and then Quentin always comes running to let us know this much).

About Me!

Generally speaking most of these posts are about the kiddos. But just to let the readers know, I'm working my way up to being able to complete a half marathon race in May of this year. I have been slowing ramping up the number of miles I run each weekend, and I made it to 15K recently! Just shy of 10 miles! Whew!

Thanks everyone for checking out the blog! See you next month!