November 2023

Look at me doing my monthly post before the end of the month! Go me!

Before I get too far into November, end of October Little Baby Elijah was born! He is my brother Benjamin's first kiddo. He and Beth are acclimating to being new parents, and Elijah is acclimating to being in the world! Q and I got to visit him when he was about a month old which was a fun Mommy/Quentin event we got to do.

Life is good though! Elliott enjoys cooking with Daddy, Quentin likes riding bikes, scootering, and will play with his skateboard in the house (because I don't know how to teach him to do it outside yet...). We also got to go visit Louie, a long time friend of Alex's who has 3 kids between Quentin and Elliotts ages.

On one of the Fridays I didn't work, the boys and I got to visit Grandpa Phil on a nice warm November day. They dug in the dirt, rode the tractor around, and chased chickens!

I know I've said this a few times, but it's fun to see how El and Q's relationship is blossoming. I wouldn't have thought they would be that close at this age, but they are already developing such a nice bond.

We also got some new friends! Meet our 2 hamsters, Vianna and Zipper! Both names came from Quentin.

OK! And that's a wrap! Thanks for checking in! See you at the end of December!