Janurary 1st - 16th 2021

Happy New Year!

Wow-wee. Here I am posting midway through January, and already so much has happened. Some good, some not so good. On January 6th the capitol building was stormed by a mob. That is something I will not forget. I was working and doing televideo appointments all day, and had the NYT website up and discussed the events with each of my patients as the situation evolved. What a weird day that was.

Outside Time

Grandpa B and Grandma Angie got Q a fun blue car for Christmas! Here we are trying it out in our neighborhood.

When we weren't cruising around in Q's blue car, we were picking up and collecting rocks!

Not sure what it is about the cooler months, but the sunsets always seem to be more breath taking. Obviously this picture doesn't do it justice.

Also, Alex set up Q's swing!

Other Stuff

One thing that I have been doing is reading about Potty Training. Funnily enough, Q LOVES flipping through this book with me. He and I are both learning!

On Jan 15th I got the first shot of my COVID vaccine! Next one is due on Feb 5th!

The Case of the Missing Stuffy

So this was a stressful day! This week on Thursday, we were getting ready for bed and couldn't find Stuffy. The thought was that he might have been dropped during an earlier walk. We put Q down and drove around the neighborhood, but to no avail. I was SO upset. Me and Q have a routine where once he is in PJs, he grabs stuffy, and I nurse him before bed. We do this EVERY NIGHT. It was so weird doing it without Stuffy!

After tossing and turning for a bit that night, I decided to post on FB about our missing loved one.

Within a few hours, one of our neighbors told us that she had seen Stuffy on her dog walk near her house! She went and got Stuffy and kept him safe until I could come pick him up.

I brought Stuffy home that night and slipped him into Q's bed.

Q and I were very happy to have Stuffy home.

See you later!