Jan 17th - Feb 11th 2021

Ahh! Time got away from me this time. It's been almost a month since my last post. Lots of fun things to report!

Outside Time

Even though it has started to get a bit colder, Q still enjoys his time outside.

Here is Q and Daddy atop the playground near our house.

Running up and down!

We also had some great snow days!

Alex captured both Q and Ava with this beautiful sunset background.

House Projects & Visits

Ba-Ba has come by the last few weekends to help out with some house stuff.

Here is Alex getting ready to go into the crawl space!

We also got to visit Grandpa Bowman in Mardella Springs. While there, Alex and I got to try out their Oculus!

Well... that is a lot of stuff that we have been up to this past month. I will leave you all now with a nice snuggly Quentin and Mema picture.

See you next time!