
Our family had to say goodbye to Declan on Thursday October 19th 2023. I wanted to do a blog post in honor of him. Declan was 14yo when he passed.

Alex adopted Declan from the Humane Society  when I moved away for medical school. He got him on September 10th 2010. Alex was feeling lonely without me around all the time, so Declan was his buddy while I was away at school.

This is our first pic of him.

Declan was such a special cat. He ALWAYS wanted to be in your space. If either of us were sitting on the couch, or floor, or anywhere, he was trying to sit on top of us. He also just liked being in your face.

He loved doing lots of headbutts

Declan was pretty funny. He would sleep in odd positions pretty commonly. And if there was ever a sunbeam, he wanted to be in it.

When I was home between semesters, and trying to study for medical school, he would often times want to be RIGHT where I was trying to study.

I wouldn't say Declan and Gimli were super close buddies. But they usually were nice to each other, and one would sometimes find them snuggling... although they usually were also snuggling with Alex at the same time...

Declan also liked to sleep ON my head...

No idea when that photo was taken...
Loved scritches on the top of his ears.

Declan - Thank you for being an amazing companion over the last 14 years. We miss you terribly, and will remember you as the amazing loving cat you are and always were. Xoxo.