December 11th 2021- January 9th 2022

Yup! This next block of time is highlighted by the fact that we are a little over 13 weeks pregnant! So far so good. Not too much nausea, pretty tired, but otherwise doing fine :)

Quentin Daddy Time

On the weekend mornings I go to yoga, Quentin, Daddy, and Ava all head over to Rise Up for some special coffee drink.

Christmas 2022

We did our same routein of going to Grandpa Phill's house for xmas eve, spent the night, had xmas morning over there, and then xmas day at our house along with baba and company. Didn't take too many pics (having too much fun!) but here is Q smiling with one of his new excavators as well as helping daddy test out his xmas gift for his cousin Kevin.

Musical Quentin

Quentin has a lot of instruments at his fingertips. Drums, guitars, ukeleles, etc. He often likes to pick up Mommy's uke, walk around, and sing to whoever is near by.


We got an epic amount (10 inches!) of snow one morning. Dada took the day off work so that Mema could stay safe and sound at home. Mama had to work (the joys of working from home...) but Q and dada had SO MUCH FUN in the snow!!!!

Thanks Grandma Angie for the new warm coat! Came just in time for the snow!

Big Boy Bed

Since we will have a new baby here in a few months if everything works out well, Quentin will need to transition to his new bed. He did so this month pretty seamlessly. Here he is snoozing in his new bed.

Snuggling with Ra-Ra.

Phew... I think that's a wrap. Here is a sleepy Q to say see ya later!

Sleepy and somewhat chocolaty...