August 15th - 22nd 2021

Traveling to Rehoboth

This is Q's first vacation and it's to Rehoboth beach with Ba-Ba and crew!

It's about 1hr and 45min from Stevensville to Rehoboth. We stopped in Milton DE for a quick doggy pee break, some chips, and to give Q a break from the car. We stopped at this cute little park in the center of town.

After only about another 10-15 min, we finally made it to our destination! Q was happy to be out of the car.

After unpacking a bit, we took our bikes for a spin. Q is getting acclimated to wearing a helmet.

That evening, we went down to the board walk, and got to eat right on the ocean.

The next day we decided to go for a nice long walk which was hard since we didn't have a stroller. We did have the Mini Meis though! Here is Q and me on a bridge where there are lots of turtles below.

On Saturday, Uncle Benji, Beth, Ethan, Ba-Ba, and Kimmy arrived! Here we all are walking along the boardwalk

Ba-Ba always brings such fun toys. Here is Q working on his lax skills

Fun At The BEACH

Boy, Quentin LOVES the beach! We went and spent tons of time at the ocean, built lots of sand castles, hung out in the surf, and played in the sand.

Day 1 on the beach with Q.

E got buried in the sand, and here is Q helping to dig him out! (Or maybe he is burying him more!)

All this beach activity means some nice long naps. Sometimes in Daddy's arms...

Sometimes in his little beach tent.

Eating out

While in Rehoboth, we opted to either cook in, order carry out, or eat at places where they could follow the 6 ft rule with table spacing or that we could sit outside.

We went out to Mariachi's, and ate out on their patio. Here is Q enjoying some french fries.

We went out to the Purple Parrot one evening as well. No pictures from that outing, but the place was practically empty.

Our last dinner out was at the Cultured Pearl. Me-Ma and Pop-Pop also came up that day so we all got to enjoy sushi together!

Q even got to try some shrimp for the first time.

Henlopen Park

This was one of our most fun outings. We biked all together to Henlopen State Park and spent some time riding along the ocean.

Here is Q rocking his awesome green helmet on the trails.

Home Again

After spending a week at the beach, and schlepping all of our sandy stuff home, we were all happy to be back in Stevensville.

What a fun trip.