Summer Fun

Sheesh, it's hot! Doesn't keep us down and out though! Just mighty sweaty 😄

Camping in Williamsburg VA

We all went to VA for an Olympic distance Triathlon Alex participated in. He ended up getting 2nd in his age group! Woot woot! We were right on the river, and the first day we got there (after a LONG 6hrs in the car... thanks traffic...) both boys got naked and went swimming. Boy was that water warm!

Wedding Date Night

Also this summer, Alex and I got to steal away for an evening to celebrate Leah & Dan's wedding! I am very very terrible at taking pictures... so here are literally the only ones I took 😄

Elliott Turns 2!

Can you believe it! I have a 2 year old! Elliott is such a sweet kid. He loves to eat (marshmallows are his favorite), he's a kid who ALWAYS wants to be outside, and he adores cats. What a cutie!

Ok! I did my post! Thanks everyone who reads/follows this blog. Love you all!