Almost Xmas!

It's almost here! Elliott's first Christmas! That and Quentin this year I think really... Gets it... He is ALL about Santa Clause and the magic of Christmas. Although he already is asking a LOT of questions. "How do the reindeer fly?" "Why does Rudolf's nose glow?" Etc!

Brotherly Love

Q and El are already developing such a nice friendship. Elliott LOVES to watch his brother run around and jump off of things. And Q will very commonly come up and give El a nice big hug or kiss on the cheek. Q does want to rough house with El, but for the time being we have put that on hold.

A Warm December

On our weekends you can usually find our troupe out and about. Walking to Rise Up (or RU as it's known in our house), biking on the rails to trails, or swinging in our back yard.

5 Months

Elliott is already 5 months! It seems like all of a sudden he has reached some big milestones. He is sitting up very well these days, taking everything and putting it in his mouth, and is starting to be interested in eating food!

I wanted to get this post off since I'm sure I'll have an actual Christmas post (or I hope I will). Only 3 days left until Christmas! We can't wait!