7 Months & Social Distancing

6 feet away!

As of this past week, I am working 100% from home now doing televideo sessions. This is due to the governor closing down all non-essential businesses, and I can technically do all I need to do via televideo anyway. Transitioning to this type of appointment has been a learning experience, but it has also given me MUCH more time to spend with Alex and Quentin!

Since we have been stuck at home, we have been working on projects around the house. Here is Alex replacing a cracked computer screen.

We have been doing a LOT of dog walks, and even went to the park (which was completely empty) and Q got to swing for the first time!

We still have been visiting grandma Carol about 1 day a week, and do nice long dog walks with her too. Here is Q after one extra long one.

7 Months!

It's official! Q is now 7 months old. He is babbling more than ever, standing with support, and enjoys his bouncer.

Here he is! Mr bouncy man!

We are doing a lot of reading here at home as well. Here is Q enjoying one of his favorite books with Daddy.

Q continues to enjoy mealtime, and especially likes wearing his food.

Not sure what was going on here, but I think Daddy was getting fancy with the photo effects. It's a nice cute picture to end this post with!

See you later!