3 Weeks

I can't believe that Mr. Elliott is already 3 weeks old! He looks SO similar to Quentin at this age. The pic above is both Quentin (on the L) and Elliott (on the R) around the same age. Main difference is Elliott is a bit jaundiced in that pic!

With Elliott having slightly elevated bilirubin levels, he needed to be seen pretty soon after we were discharged from the hospital. Our pediatrician wasn't too concerned thankfully, and at 3 weeks out now, I'm guessing his levels are normal. But I bring up the bilirubin because it apparently makes infants really sleepy. So yes, Elliott slept A LOT those first few weeks. He still sleeps tons since he is an infant, but all he did was sleep for that first 1-2 weeks. Now he is getting about 1-2hrs over the course of a day where he is awake. When he is awake he is generally a pretty happy guy!

Elliott and I had some trouble breastfeeding in the beginning, but now things are going MUCH smoother. We are nursing about 3x a day, and then I am pumping and bottle feeding the other times. Honestly, I probably could exclusively nurse, but it takes a long time, and I want to be able to continue to be able to play and do things with Quentin. So thus the compromise.

Quentin is such a great big brother. He is surpassing my expectations of how he would be with a new baby in the house. He is my little helper - gets bottles, turns on the fan when I'm nursing (Elliott is a little furnace), etc.

Even with the new baby in the picture, Quentin and I still get to do fun Mommy Quentin things. Here we are at the library making "sensory boxes" after doing 30 min of yoga for kids.

All in all things are going well. I will be starting back work a bit in August, just about 1-2hrs a day Mon-Thurs. Right now E is waking up about 2-3x a night to feed. This means I generally need to take a nap most days. Elliott and I tend to nap together just like this. We both sleep pretty well this way :)

Thanks for checking in!